Finding God’s Peace in Times of Trouble
Have you ever met someone who has a lot of health problems, or money problems, or any number of problems, but they still exude joy and hope?
I am always so awed and inspired by these people. How can they experience so much peace and hope in the midst of their suffering? I eat breakfast late and spend the rest of my day grumpy - how can these individuals be so full of joy when their lives are seemingly so hard? How are they finding God’s peace in times of trouble?
Praise God that He offers a way to this joy and hope through His word and personal relationship with Him.
We’ve recently gone through a major health event with my dad, and for the first time in my life, I’ve truly felt what it means to have God’s peace in times of trouble.
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For me, this didn’t mean that my mind didn’t “go there.” It definitely did. I had all of the negative thoughts and the what-ifs and the worst-case-scenarios run through my brain.
But I didn’t dwell there. And while these thoughts came into my mind, they never penetrated my soul. I never had a physical reaction to my negative thoughts. I don’t know how it is for you, but when I fear and worry, I feel a tightness in my chest. And during this whole ordeal, my body never reacted that way.
The negative thoughts came in, but they did not consume my being.
2 Corinthians 10:5
5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,
God had the situation taken care of, and I truly believed it, trusted it, and felt it in my body, mind, and soul.
Finding God’s Peace
So how do we go about finding God’s peace in times of trouble? The Bible offers us a lot of guidance in this area.
First and foremost, God tells us that He leaves us with His peace. And this type of peace is different than the peace that the world can provide. This peace is outside of our worldly circumstances. This peace comes directly from God and lives outside of what makes sense to our fleshly natures.
My circumstances are telling me that I should be worried because my dad’s health is suffering. But God tells me that I don’t need to be afraid and that my heart doesn’t need to feel troubled because He is in control of the situation and He gives me His peace. All I have to do is trust that He’s got it covered, regardless of the outcome, and tap into that peace that He’s offering.
So when we are struggling with fear and doubt, all we really need to do is to ask God to provide us with His peace, and He will answer that prayer.
As someone who struggles with anxiety, I know that just simply asking for peace is sometimes easier said than done. If you’re struggling with something deeper, there are other steps you can take to reduce your anxiety and find peace in God’s presence.
The key words here are “with thanksgiving.” When we send our requests to God, we need to posture our hearts with gratitude and thankfulness, and we need to praise God for the work he’s already done in our lives. By first focusing on gratitude, we are then able to receive God’s peace that surpasses all understanding.
Finding God’s peace in times of trouble can seem impossible or unattainable at times, but we know that with God, all things are possible. He can provide us with an unexplainable peace during difficult times - all we need to do is ask.
Blessings Friend.
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