Simple and Rustic Twine Christmas Trees

Christmas is such a fun time for home décor and crafting. I love pulling out my big black tubs with their bright yellow lids from our storage area and digging through their festive contents.

This probably speaks to me as a person, but I have quite a few items that I don’t remember having from year to year. So it’s like Christmas morning every time I pull out a tub from storage! I get to delight in these seasonal items again and again. Even so, I’m still always looking for more ideas for holiday décor, especially simple crafts that I can do with the kids.

Simple and Rustic Twine Christmas Trees... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

These cute, simple, and rustic twine Christmas trees definitely fit the bill! They are so quick to make, and you really only need a few supplies to make them.

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Simple and Rustic Twine Christmas Trees... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

Supplies you’ll need:

  • Styrofoam cones or other cone form

  • Twine, string, or yarn

  • Hot glue gun

  • Ribbon

  • Other decorations as desired

Simple and Rustic Twine Christmas Trees... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

Step 1: Place hot glue on the top of the cone

For these trees, it’s easiest to start at the top of the cone and wrap the twine down the body. That way, you can end your string by wrapping it underneath the bottom of the cone. Otherwise, you’ll have excess twine at the top of your cone, which is much more noticeable.

You will likely have a small gap on the top of the cone, but don’t worry, we will cover that with the decorations.

Place a small amount of hot glue on the top of your cone and place your twine upward over the top of the cone.

Step 2: Wrap the twine around the cone

While the hot glue on the top of the cone is still hot, begin wrapping the twine around the sides of the cone, down the length of the entire body of the cone.

How tightly you wrap the twine is up to you. For this one, I wrapped it tightly and close together, without any gaps. If you leave gaps, you can wrap the twine back up and down the cone again to fill in those areas.

Simple and Rustic Twine Christmas Trees... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

Step 3: Hot glue the bottom of the cone

Once you reach the bottom of the cone, work in sections to place a bead of hot glue along the bottom of the cone. After the cone is fully covered in twine, cut off about an inch of excess twine and hot glue that piece underneath the bottom of the cone.

Step 4: Decorate as desired

For this simple and rustic twine Christmas tree, I used a bit of lace ribbon to create a bow. I used the hot glue gun to glue it on the top of the tree, covering the small gap that was on the top of the cone.

Some other ideas include adding a small start to the top, wrapping a different color twine around the body, or gluing on small pinecones, berries, or greenery.

The great thing about these cute trees is that you can make them as elaborate or as simple as you’d like, and they’ll be beautiful either way!

That’s it! That’s all I did for this simple and rustic twine Christmas tree, but the possibilities with it are really endless. You can play around with the type of twine, string, or yarn that you use for the base, as well as how tightly or loosely you wrap around the cone.

Different decorations would also work well with this tree; beads, garland, berries, or small pinecones could look very cute with these rustic trees.

Happy crafting on this one!

Jennifer Zimmerman

Welcome! I’m Jennifer, and I’m a Christ follower, wife, and mother to three amazing (and sometimes challenging) children! I’m always working on something - follow along to see what I’m currently up to!

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