How to Make Tissue Paper Roses

Valentine’s Day.

It’s a thing. A holiday. An expectation.

What are your views on the day? Personally, my husband and I treat it like any other day (for the most part). Some years we’ve done something special, like making a nice dinner at home, going out to get a couple’s massage, or doing our taxes. And I’m not joking on the last one - out of our 15 years together, we’ve actually done our taxes on several Valentine’s Days over the years!

Anyway, as you can maybe tell, we aren’t big Valentine’s fans. We prefer to celebrate our anniversary and birthdays. Restaurants aren’t as busy and candy and flowers cost a normal amount.

But since having kids, I do like to do a little something special for them. They appreciate the gesture, and their expectations are pretty low, so I’m not having to spend a lot of money to get them excited and feeling loved.

Insert tissue paper roses.

I read through a lot of tutorials to learn how to make paper flowers, and I played around with several different techniques before coming up with this design for how to make tissue paper roses.

They are really quick and easy to make, and each rose costs just a few cents to make because you can make so many out of the supplies. My kids love them, and my daughter had me put a whole bouquet in her bedroom for her to enjoy.

How to Make Tissue Paper Roses... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

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How to Make Tissue Paper Roses... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

Supplies you’ll need:

  • Tissue paper (I used pink, white, and red)

  • Cloth stem wires

  • Wire cutters (scissors may work, but these worked better for me to cut the stem wires)

  • Scissors

  • Hot glue gun

How to Make Tissue Paper Roses... Jennifer Zimmerman | DIY & Lifestyle

Step 1: Cut your supplies

The first step to make tissue paper roses is to cut all of your supplies to the correct size/shape.

For the size roses I was making, I felt that the cloth stem wires were too long, so I chose to cut them in half using the wire cutters. If you want long-stem roses, you can skip this step and keep your wires as is.

Next, I cut the tissue paper. With these supplies, I was able to make two tissue paper roses.

Take one sheet of tissue paper and cut two strips, about 2-inches wide, along the length of the paper. These will be folded to make the center of your roses.

With the remaining paper, fold it in half, then half again, and half again until you have a square of paper.

Depending on the size petals you want, you may want to fold your paper again to make smaller squares.

Next, use your scissors to cut out a cloud shape from your folded tissue paper. These will act as your outside petals, and you do not need to worry about making a perfectly round shape here. The off-center, odd shapes actually work really well for the exterior petals.

Step 2: Glue on the stem

Take one of your strips of tissue paper and fold it in half width-wise, so you’ll end up with one long strip about one-inch wide.

Next, orient your paper with the folded part toward the top and place a strip of hot glue on one end of the paper. Place your stem in the glue, taking care not to let the stem poke out of the top of the paper.

Then fold over a bit of paper to cover the stem and let cool, just for a few seconds. You don’t want to be able to see the stem out of the top of the paper.

Step 3: Twist and glue the middle section

Now you’re going to make the middle portion of your rose.

Start by simply twisting your stem around in a circle a few times so that your paper will wrap around the center.

Just three or four twists should be sufficient for this step.

Next, use your other hand to twist the length of tissue paper that’s hanging down, and wrap it around the center section (see the middle photo). Continue to twist and wrap the remaining strip of tissue paper, and then place a strip of hot glue on your center section to attach the last bit of paper onto the rose.

This will hold your center section in place while you move onto the next step.

Step 4: Attach the outer petals

To finish off your roses, you’ll add the outer petals.

Take one piece of the cut paper and stick your stem through the center. Put a bead of hot glue along the bottom of the rose’s center piece and slide your outer petal up and around the center piece. Take care here because the hot glue is hot!

Continue the process until the rose is your desired size.

Fluff and scrunch your paper to finish off your rose. Repeat the process with the remaining supplies until you have your desired number of roses.

That’s it, you’re done!

These tissue paper roses are so quick and easy to make, you can quickly make a whole dozen to give to your kids or use as Valentine’s décor in your home.

If you make some of these roses, I’d love to see a picture! Please share in the comments.

Happy crafting! I hope you enjoyed learning how to make tissue paper roses!

Jennifer Zimmerman

Welcome! I’m Jennifer, and I’m a Christ follower, wife, and mother to three amazing (and sometimes challenging) children! I’m always working on something - follow along to see what I’m currently up to!

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